Sullivan Business Psychologists
You didn’t just nod and reflect back what I’d said

‘Fusion’ coaching is the term we use to describe our eclectic approach to coaching; one which is designed to bring to bear, to integrate, to ‘fuse’, all the tools and techniques at our disposal to achieve sustained learning and results. We differentiate our approach in a number of ways.

A solid diagnostic phase: to fully understand the personality, abilities, values, motives and drivers of an executive. As Chartered Business Psychologists we utilise a robust and flexible set of methodologies e.g. psychometrics, 360 questionnaires & interviews, to achieve this. These help us build a set of themes to explore and build the individual’s insight into why they approach things as they do.

Counselling executives in enabling them to clarify the kinds of changes they want to bring about and why.

Knowledge & skills teaching, Opinion and information-giving: ‘Classical’ approaches to coaching rely solely on utilising the experience and knowledge of the executives themselves, with the coach questioning so as to facilitate them finding their own path through their issues. Of course, where that can be done, it is powerful. However, our experience has shown that some executives need to balance that with some knowledge input or skills training, with some challenges and contrary opinions, to enable them to make a step change in behaviour and performance.

Often a key challenge for individuals is to not only for them to behave in new ways, but also to think differently. Rather than solely ‘actively’ listening and reflecting back, there will be times when our approach moves into more of a pragmatic debate, challenging assumptions and generating a range of perspectives – from which the best outcome can emerge.

Occasionally the despairing HR Executive will say that a particular executive cannot be coached, however much they seem to need it, because they don’t want to be coached. But that person can equally be defending against some worst fears and will be so glad later that they did get that coaching input. We believe that it is part of our responsibility to go the extra mile and take the further steps needed to persuade that executive to give it a try and then buy-in to the process.

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